Virtual Reality Tours in Today’s Real Estate Market
Planning to sell your home but only want qualified buyers (not unvetted looky-loos) coming through your space?
Interested in buying a home but don’t want to needlessly tour homes that ultimately won’t work?
With Circa’s Virtual Reality technology we can create simulated tours for buyers. Using VR goggles clients can virtually tour homes without leaving the safety of the sofa. (Don’t forget the popcorn!)
Why are virtual reality tours IMPORTANT NOW?
93% of all home searches begin online so quality photos and video have been paramount in real estate marketing for a long time. But with COVID-19 concerns, virtual home tours have become a necessity. VR tours not only save time, but can minimize COVID-19 exposure. They allow buyers to maintain social distancing requirements. In-person home tours have become less frequent as buyers weed-out properties online and only schedule tours in homes that truly meet their requirements.
Are virtual reality Tours really accurate?
With a Matterport VR scanner camera, our team produces virtual tours. Nothing can be edited or changed on a Matterport scanner, it is exactly what it is. You can’t edit the video, or alter the size of a room. When people (virtually) walk into a home, it is exactly as it would be if they stood in the house personally.
I want to tour a home virtually. how does it work?
We can provide buyers with a loaner set of virtual reality goggles (each pair is thoroughly sanitized between uses) or buyers can purchase their own set for about $30 from online retailers. Once you have your goggles, just find your tour and click on the VR option. You will have to download an app and then you are good to start your tours. Our buyers agents can virtually walk through the tour at the same time and help answer any questions you might have. Contact us to request goggles and an agent.
i want a virtual reality tour made for the house i want to sell. How do I start?
Our team provides Matterport Virtual Tours for every listing we take. We provide a free consultation with our in-house marketing expert who will provide you with a roadmap to get your home in the best possible shape for your photo/video shoot. We’ll shoot the video, process it, and it will be online typically within 24 hours. If you want to discuss your home sale and our unique marketing strategies, contact us today.